About this report
As an internationally active specialty chemicals company, we want to communicate openly and transparently. For this reason, a report on sustainable corporate governance activities and performance is important to us.
This integrated report documents CHT’s economic, ecological, and social performance in 2023. We illustrate how we as a company create value for our stakeholders and how sustainability contributes to CHT’s long-term success as an integral part of our corporate purpose and strategy. The management report and sustainability report are still written and published separately, which is why the economic section of this sustainability report has been shortened.
Inclusive language
In line with our understanding of diversity and inclusion, we largely use gender-neutral language in this report. In some phrases, however, we have decided to use the generic masculine for reasons of readability and comprehensibility. In these cases, the chosen expressions apply without restriction to all genders.
This Sustainability Report has been prepared in accordance with the standards of the Kern option of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), taking into account the reporting requirements of the UN Global Compact as corresponding sets of rules. It presents our worldwide sustainability commitment for 2023 with regard to the three dimensions of economy, ecology and society. Reporting has not been carried out according to the Taxonomy Principles nor according to the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act, as CHT is still exempt from both reporting requirements.
When selecting reporting topics, we are guided by the following principles: Materiality, completeness, sustainability context, balance and inclusion of our stakeholders. In addition to this report, we publish further information on the Internet. Corresponding references can be found in the respective chapters.
The information in this report also serve as a progress report on the extent to which the CHT Group’s sustainability management contributes to the long-term economic success of the company. Moreover, the contents of this report serve as “Communication on Progress” in the sense of the UN Global Compact principles. As a member of the UN Global Compact since 2016 we have aligned our economic actions with the UN Global Compact principles and with the Responsible Care® initiative of the chemical industry.
Material topics along the value chain form the focal points of the report and define the boundaries of the report. When identifying, prioritizing, and validating material sustainability-related topics, we follow the principle of dual materiality for the first time, taking into account financial materiality and impact materiality. General information on the materiality analysis can be found in chapter “We take responsibility”.
All data and the calculations in this report are based on national and international sustainability reporting standards. All data and information were collected by the responsible units using representative methods for the reporting period. Due to rounding, it is possible that individual values may not add up exactly to the totals shown and that percentages may not add up exactly to the values shown. The reporting period covers the 2023 financial year. The editorial deadline is April 30, 2024. Additional information and qualitative statements have been taken into account up to the deadline.
Strong company, strong character. The CHT Group is a globally acting group of companies.
Set guidelines for sustainable actions. Sustainability is fundamental to our company.
Long-term business success must create value: for the environment, society, and the economy.
Our group-wide ethics and compliance program ensures that legal requirements and internal company policies are observed.
The CHT Group closed fiscal year 2022 with an increase in sales, following the trend in the chemical industry.
“Many people with strong characters“. In recent years, the CHT Group has continued to develop.