CHT Sustainability Report 2023

REPORTING PERIOD: January 1st to December, 31st 2023
(editorial deadline April 30th, 2024)

REPORTING PERIOD: January 1<sup>st</sup> to december 31<sup>st</sup>, 2022 (editorial deadline April 30th, 2024)


GRI Standards

102 General information

102-1Name of the organisationThe CHT group
102-2 Activities, brands, products, and servicesThe CHT group
Business fields
102-3 Location of headquartersThe CHT group
102-4  Location of operationLocation of operation
102-5 Ownership and legal formOwnership
102-6 Markets servedThe CHT group
102-7 Scale of the organizationThe CHT group
UNGC Principle no.6
Information on employees and other workersOur Employees
CHT Sustainability Report
102-9 Supply chainSupplier Management
102-11 Precautionary principle or approachPrinciples Environmental Policy
102-12 External initiativesWork in Associationes and Initiatives
Quality Labels
102-13 Membership of associationsWork in Associationes and Initiatives
Quality Labels
102-14Statement from senior decision-makerPreface
102-15Key impacts, risks, and opportunitiesOur Comprehension of Sustainability
102-16Values, principles, standards, and standards of conductVision and Mission
Strategy and Values
Code of Conduct
102-40List of stakeholder groupsInvolvement Stakeholder
UNGC Principle no. 3
Collective bargaining agreementsHuman Rights
Involvement Stakeholder
102-42Identifying and selecting stakeholdersWe take Responsibility
102-43Approach to stakeholder engagementInvolvement Stakeholder
102-44Key topics and concerns raisedStrategy
We take Responsibility
102-45Entities included in the consolidated financial statementsThe CHT group
102-46Defining report content and topic boundariesAbout this Report
102-47List of material topicsCorporate Goals
We take Responsibility
102-50Reporting periodAbout this Report
102-51Date of latest reportAbout this Report
102-52Reporting cycleAbout this Report
102-53Contact point for questions regarding the reportImprint
102-54Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI StandardsAbout this Report
102-55GRI content indexGRI content index


Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryThe CHT group
Vision and Mission
Strategy and Values
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components The CHT group
Vision and Mission
Strategy and Values
Work in Associationes and Initiatives
Sustainability Goals
103-3Evaluation of the management approachSustainability Goals
Topic specific Disclosures
201-2Climate protection in the CHT GroupEnergy and Climate Protection
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryThe CHT group
Strategy and Values
Business fields
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Strategy and Values
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Sustainability Goals
Strategy and Values
Topic specific Disclosures
202-2Proportion of senior management hired from the local communityOur Employees
Leadership Culture
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundarySupplier Management
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Supplier Management
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Supplier Management
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundarySustainability Goals
Ethics and Integrity
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Ethics and Integrity
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Ethics and Integrity
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 1, 2
Operations assessed for risks related to corruptionCode of Conduct
UNGC Principle no. 10
Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and proceduresEthics and Integrity
UNGC Principle no. 10
Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions takenEthics and Integrity
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryFairness
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Fairness
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Fairness
Topic specific Disclosures
206-1Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly formationFairness


Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEnvironmental Policy
Responsible use of Resources
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Environmental Policy
Responsible use of Resources
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Environmental Policy
Responsible use of Resources
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 7
Materials used by weight or volumeRaw Materials
Circular Economy
301-2Recycled input materials usedRaw Materials
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEnergy management
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Energy management
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Energy management
Topic specific Disclosures
302-1Energy consumption within the organizationEnergy management
302-3Energy intensityEnergy management
UNGC Principle no. 8, 9
Reduction of energy consumptionEnergy management
302-5Reductions in energy requirements of products and servicesEnergy management
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryResponsible use of Resources
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Responsible use of Resources
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Responsible use of Resources
Topic specific Disclosures
303-1Interactions with water as shared resourceResponsible use of Resources
303-2Management of wastewater-related impactsWater emission
303-3Wastewater recovery and reuseWater emission
303-4WastewaterWater emission
303-5Water consumptionWater emission
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryEnvironmental Policy
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Environmental Policy
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Environmental Policy
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 8
Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside proteced areasProtected Areas
UNGC Principle no. 8
Significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversityEnvironmental effects
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundary CO2 emission
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components CO2 emission
103-3Evaluation of the management approach CO2 emission
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 7, 8
Direct greenhouse gas emissions CLIMATE PROTECTION CHT GROUP
UNGC Principle no. 7, 8
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2) CLIMATE PROTECTION CHT GROUP
UNGC Principle no. 7, 8
Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryWaste
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Waste
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Waste
Topic specific Disclosures
306-1Wastewater discharge by quality and destinationWater emission
306-2Waste by type and disposal methodWaste
UNGC Principle no. 8
Significant spills
UNGC Principle no. 8
Transport of hazardous waste
UNGC Principle no. 8
Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulationsEnvironmental Principles
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundarySupplier Management
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Supplier Management
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Supplier Management
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 8
New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteriaSupplier Management
308-2Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions takenSupplier Management


Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryVision and Mission
Our Employees
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Strategy and Values
Our Employees
103-3Evaluation of the management approachOur Employees
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 6
New employee hires and employee turnoverStaff numbers
401-2Benefits provided to full-time employees but not to temporary or part-time employeesEquality
Performance-related Remuneration
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryLeadership Culture
Work life balance
Lifelong learning
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Leadership Culture
Work life balance
Lifelong learning
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Leadership Culture
Work life balance
Lifelong learning
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 3
Minimum notice periods regarding operational changesWell informed
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundarySafety Management
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Safety Management
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Safety Management
Topic specific Disclosures
403-1Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigationPrevention
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryLifelong learning
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Lifelong learning
103-3Evaluation of the management approachLifelong learning
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 6
Average hours of training per year per employeeLifelong learning
404-2Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs Lifelong learning
UNGC Principle no. 6
Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviewsLifelong learning
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryLeadership Culture
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Leadership Culture
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Leadership Culture
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 6
Diversity of governance bodies and employeesEquality
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryHuman Rights
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Ethics and Integrity
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Human Rights
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 6
Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions takenProtect from discrimination
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryWork life balance
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Work life balance
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Work life balance
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 3
Operations and suppliers where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at riskHuman Rights
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryNo child labour
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components No child labour
103-3Evaluation of the management approach No child labour
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 5
Operations and suppliers with significant risk for incidents of child laborNo child labour
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryHuman Rights
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Ethics and Integrity
103-3Evaluation of the management approachEthics and Integrity
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 4
Operations and suppliers with significant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory laborEthics and Integrity
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundarySupplier Management
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Supplier Management
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Supplier Management
Topic specific Disclosures
UNGC Principle no. 2
New suppliers that were screened using social criteriaSupplier Management
Management Approach
103-1Explanation of the material topic and its boundaryProduct Safety
We take Responsibility
103-2The management approach and its components Product Safety
103-3Evaluation of the management approach Product Safety
Topic specific Disclosures
416-1Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categoriesNo Risks
Topic specific Disclosures
419-1Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and economic area
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